I work with a number of clients with the issue of, “Now what?” You may be thinking, now what…what’s that? When life doesn't go according to plan, which it rarely does; that's "Now What?"

Now what should I do that I’m anxious all the time?
Now what should I do that it’s hard to get out of bed and I’m struggling to enjoy life?
Now what should I do that my situation feels hopeless?
Now what should I do that my past continues to haunt me?
Now what should I do that I (or someone I love) drink(s) too much?
Now what should I do that I don’t feel good about myself?
Now what should I do that my relationship isn’t what I hoped for?
Now what should I do that I’m questioning how I’ve spent my life?

In other words, “This isn’t how it was supposed to be; this wasn’t the plan. Where do I go from here?”
When we’ve lived long enough, we all encounter, “Now what?” Me too.

Together, let’s move from now what to the possibility of what’s next?

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
― Maria Robinson